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    CreateSomething  52, Female, Texas, USA - 86 entries
Sep 2008
2:12 AM CST

Finding Self

It is important for me to find out who I am and how I have become that person. I know that I have had some major life experiences that went very badly. They have and continue to effect every aspect of my life. I have found that I can not change the past and I can't decide on the future. The only things that I can work on and mold and create is the now. I want to find people that have interests similar to mine and work on these things together. I want to learn to put aside all influences from my past, from the people who have molded me into the person I am, and people around me. I want to figure out how much of the time I spend doing things is wasted time because of habit and influence or time spent on things I have chosen. I want to keep the positive but along with the positive I have had a lot of negative. I want to know how much I have gained from these for now, I don't want any influence on my life. I want to be the one making the choices from now on.

1 comment(s) - 10:35 AM - 05/24/2009

    CreateSomething  52, Female, Texas, USA - 86 entries
Aug 2008
12:27 AM CST

Who I Am

This is my list of Who I Am today... My 15 minutes in the morning to think about nothing but me, which is going to be hard with everything going on at the present moment. Anyway, here goes my list of who I am...

I am a mother, I am a SISTER, I am a daughter, I am a girlfriend, I am an aunt, I am a granddaughter, I am a woman, I am a push over, I am a fool, I am selfish, I can be hateful, I am inventive, I am creative, I am fat, I am a photographer, I love sitting by a fire, I love research, I hate my teeth, I hate my legs, I love my eyes and lips, I love music, I love chocolate, I want everyone to like me, I love camping, I love the ocean, I love a light rainto walk in, I love to sing, I am a listener, I am a traveler

Well, I am going to stop because my phone rings every 2 minutes with my boyfriend calling to talk about this and that. I guess I won't get my 15 minutes today. I knew this morning that this was not going to be a good day for me.

2 comment(s) - 09:15 AM - 09/17/2008

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